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Lavender Essential Oil And It’s Uses.

Lavender essential oil is widely used throughout the world and is well known. Harvested in midsummer and grown in places such as France, United Kingdom, Russia, China, Bulgaria, and Hungary just to name a few. It is an evergreen bush with silver spiked green and grayish leaves with flowers in different shades of purple.

Ancient Greeks and Romans would burn lavender leaves in rooms where sick people lay because of it’s many therapeutic properties. They not only used it on those who were ill but also on cuts, wounds, rashes, burns, headaches, stress and bites. While the uses are endless the healing potential is amazing!

The parts used are the flowering tops of the plants. Lavender essential oil blends well with basil, bergamot, black pepper, cedarwood, German chamomile, Roman chamomile, Frankincense and Lemon. Of course the list goes on but I chose to name only some that I have used.


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